No, you do not need planning permission to sell your land. However, land with planning permission is generally more valuable.We do buy land without on option agreement

Land valuation depends on factors such as location, size, access, and development potential. We use market comparisons and professional appraisals to determine the value.

Yes, we can handle the planning application on your behalf.

The legal steps include agreeing on a sale price, exchanging contracts, and completing the sale through a conveyancer.

The process can take from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the transaction and planning permission status.

Yes, it is advisable to have a solicitor to handle the legal aspects of the sale.

Typically, each party pays their own legal fees, but this can be negotiated.

Yes, we can cover the costs associated with obtaining planning permission.

This depends on the terms of the sale. We can discuss arrangements for you to stay for a certain period after the sale.

We work with local planning authorities and architects to design developments that respect the character of the local area.

Yes, you can sell a portion of your land. We can discuss the details and how it will affect the overall value.

This depends on the local planning guidelines and market demand. We typically build residential houses but can discuss other options.

We aim to minimize disruption, and any impacts on your remaining property will be discussed and agreed upon before starting construction.

Yes, we buy land with or without planning permission, although the price may vary accordingly.

We use professional valuations and consider market conditions to ensure a fair price. You are also encouraged to seek independent valuations.

You may be liable for Capital Gains Tax on the profit from the sale. Consult a tax advisor for specific advice.

Access arrangements will be planned carefully to minimize disruption, and all details will be agreed upon with you beforehand.

While the final design must comply with planning regulations and market demands, we welcome your input and aim to incorporate local preferences.

We conduct traffic assessments as part of the planning process and work with local authorities to mitigate any impacts.

The sale price is based on the land’s size, location, development potential, and comparable market prices.

Yes, the sale price is open to negotiation. We aim to reach a fair agreement for both parties.

If the sale falls through, any agreements made will be void, and you retain ownership of the land.

Typically, there are no upfront costs. Costs related to planning permission and surveys are often covered by us.

Yes, but you will need to settle the outstanding mortgage from the sale proceeds. Your mortgage lender will need to be involved in the process.

Developments can have varying impacts on local property prices, but we aim to enhance the area’s appeal, potentially increasing property values.

We will sign a sale contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale.

If you are selling to us, we will be the buyer. However, if you prefer, we can discuss options for you to choose another developer or buyer.

We conduct environmental assessments and aim to minimize any negative impact, adhering to all relevant regulations.

The planning process involves submitting an application to the local authority, which then reviews it against local and national planning policies.We have planning consultants and architects and other experts to work on this.

Yes, you can be involved in the planning application process, and we can keep you informed of progress and any issues.

A conditional sale agreement means the sale is subject to certain conditions being met, such as obtaining planning permission.

This depends on local planning requirements, which often include provisions for affordable housing.

We incorporate sustainable building practices and materials, aiming to meet or exceed environmental standards.

Building on green belt land is generally restricted, but there are exceptions. We can assess your land and advise on the possibilities.

Typical surveys include topographical, environmental, and archaeological surveys. We arrange and cover the costs of these surveys.

We provide regular updates and are available to answer any questions you may have throughout the process.

A Section 106 Agreement is a legal agreement between a developer and the local authority, outlining contributions to the community, such as infrastructure improvements or affordable housing.

Yes, as part of the planning process, neighbours and the local community will be consulted.

Yes, you can set conditions for the sale, which we will discuss and agree upon during negotiations.

Once the sale is completed, you will transfer the ownership rights of the land to us.

Some noise and disruption are inevitable, but we take measures to minimise this and comply with local regulations.

We work closely with the community and local authorities to address any concerns and make adjustments to our plans as necessary.

Overage is a provision that entitles the seller to additional payment if the land increases in value due to future development.

The completion date is agreed upon during negotiations and outlined in the sale contract.

We will conduct a thorough title search, and any issues will need to be resolved before completion.

Yes, but restrictive covenants may affect the value and potential uses of the land. We will evaluate the impact and discuss with you.

Our primary focus is on residential properties, but we can discuss commercial developments if the land is suitable.

Developments can put additional pressure on local amenities, but we work with local authorities to mitigate impacts and may contribute to infrastructure improvements.

We typically use our trusted contractors to ensure quality and compliance, but we can discuss your preferences.

We have comprehensive insurance coverage for all aspects of the development, including public liability and construction insurance.

Payment terms are negotiable, and we can discuss options for installments if it suits both parties.

Once sold, the land will belong to the buyer, but you can include a right of first refusal clause in the contract.

We offer guarantees on the quality of construction and adherence to planning approvals, and new homes come with a warranty such as the NHBC warranty.

We conduct ecological surveys and take measures to protect local wildlife, adhering to environmental regulations.

This can be arranged through an overage agreement, allowing you to benefit from any future increase in the land’s value.

We will assess and manage any utilities on your land, arranging for relocation or accommodation as needed.

Yes, but all co-owners must agree to the sale and sign the necessary documents.

You may be subject to Capital Gains Tax and should consult a tax advisor for specific advice.

Selling land can impact your estate’s value and potential inheritance tax liabilities. Consult with a tax advisor for specific guidance.

We work with local authorities to assess and mitigate impacts on infrastructure, and may contribute to improvements through planning obligations.

Yes, you can retain a portion of the land, and we can discuss how to divide it and the implications for the sale.

Historic buildings may be protected, and we will need to work with heritage agencies to ensure compliance with regulations.

Benefits include receiving a lump sum payment, avoiding the hassle of managing the land, and potentially increasing the value of remaining property through nearby development.

You should inform your insurance provider of the sale, as it may affect your coverage. We will have our own insurance for the development.

Leasing is an option we can discuss, but it involves different legal and financial arrangements.

Benefits include receiving a lump sum payment, avoiding the hassle of managing the land, and potentially increasing the value of remaining property through nearby development.

We conduct environmental assessments and manage remediation if contamination is found, adhering to all relevant regulations.

Yes, we can arrange visits to our other development sites to give you an idea of our work quality and style.

Delays in planning permission can extend the timeline, but we will keep you informed and manage the process efficiently.

We implement robust security measures, including fencing, CCTV, and security personnel, to ensure the site is secure during construction.

We work with local authorities to assess and mitigate impacts on local services, and may contribute to improvements as part of planning obligations.

Selling land in a protected area is possible but may be subject to additional regulations and restrictions. We will assess the feasibility and guide you through the process.

We conduct ecological surveys and take necessary measures to protect any identified protected species, complying with environmental laws.

The development may increase the value of nearby properties, potentially affecting local property taxes. Consult with a tax advisor for specific guidance.

Yes, we can arrange for a deposit upon signing the agreement, with the balance paid upon completion.

We follow best practices for waste management, including recycling and safe disposal, in compliance with environmental regulations.

A clawback provision allows you to receive additional payment if the land increases in value due to future development. We can discuss including this in the sale agreement.

We aim to resolve disputes amicably and professionally, involving legal advisors if necessary, to ensure smooth progress.

Yes, we will share the final development plans with you and ensure you are informed of all details before construction begins.

We adhere to strict health and safety regulations and provide comprehensive training and protective equipment to all construction workers.

Yes, you can include conditions, and we will work with you to incorporate your preferences while complying with planning regulations.

We conduct transport assessments and work with local authorities to mitigate any negative impacts on local transport links.

A development agreement outlines the terms and conditions between the landowner and developer, detailing responsibilities, timelines, and financial arrangements.

We conduct archaeological surveys and comply with regulations, ensuring any finds are documented and managed appropriately.

Yes, but you will need to provide notice to tenants and comply with tenancy laws. The sale may also be subject to the terms of existing leases.

Developments can improve local security through better lighting and design, and we work with local authorities to address any concerns.

Public rights of way must be considered, and any changes or closures need to be agreed upon with the local authority. We will manage this process.

Yes, a first refusal clause can be included, giving you the option to buy back the land if we decide to sell it in the future.

We work closely with local planning authorities and experienced planners to ensure all developments comply with local regulations.

Yes, but flood risk assessments and mitigation measures will be required. This can affect the development potential and value.

We have experienced planners and negotiators who work with local authorities to secure the necessary approvals and agreements.

We aim to include green spaces and parks in our developments, following local planning guidelines and community needs.

Yes, selling in installments is an option we can discuss, although it involves different legal and financial arrangements.

We assess factors such as location, size, planning policies, and market demand to determine the development potential.

Yes, but consider potential emotional and legal implications. We can discuss ways to honor the family history while proceeding with the sale.

The sale itself does not impact council tax, but new developments may affect local tax revenue and rates.

Developments can create local employment opportunities during and after construction, benefiting the community.

A land promotion agreement is an arrangement where a promoter helps secure planning permission and markets the land, sharing the sale proceeds with the landowner.

Yes, you can negotiate to retain mineral rights, but this may affect the sale price and development potential.

We incorporate energy-efficient designs and technologies, aiming to meet or exceed building regulations and sustainability standards.

The CIL is a levy on new developments to help fund local infrastructure improvements, which we may be required to pay as part of the planning obligations.

Yes, we can include conditions to use sustainable materials in the construction, adhering to planning regulations and sustainability standards.

We aim to design developments that respect the privacy of existing properties, including landscaping and buffer zones where appropriate.

Yes, but the easement will affect the development potential and may limit the types of construction allowed. We will evaluate the impact and discuss options with you.

We implement measures to control noise and dust, including working within regulated hours and using appropriate equipment.

Proximity to a historic site may require additional assessments and compliance with heritage regulations. We will manage this process with the relevant authorities.

Yes, you can specify the type of fencing or boundaries, and we will incorporate your preferences while complying with planning regulations.

We organize public consultations as part of the planning process to gather community feedback and address any concerns.

Selling now can provide immediate financial benefits, while waiting may increase value if market conditions improve. We can help you assess the best timing based on current market trends.

Yes, but you may need to provide notice to tenants and comply with agricultural tenancy laws. The sale may also be subject to the terms of existing leases.

We conduct assessments to ensure the development does not negatively impact local water resources and comply with environmental regulations.

Yes, we can discuss including a clause that entitles you to a percentage of the future sale price or development profits.

We adhere to strict health and safety regulations, providing comprehensive training and protective equipment to all construction workers, and conducting regular safety audits.

Yes, but the land may require remediation to address any contamination before it can be developed. We will conduct the necessary assessments and manage the remediation process.

We work with legal advisors and surveyors to resolve boundary disputes amicably and ensure clear demarcation of property lines.

A brownfield site is land that has been previously developed, typically for industrial or commercial use, and may require remediation before it can be redeveloped.

Yes, we can include provisions for public access to green spaces within the development, enhancing community benefits and complying with planning guidelines.

Yes, we can include provisions for public access to green spaces within the development, enhancing community benefits and complying with planning guidelines.

We work with experienced architects and contractors to ensure all aspects of the development comply with current building regulations and standards.

Yes, you can sell a portion of a larger estate, and we can discuss how to divide it and the implications for the sale.

We conduct air quality assessments and implement measures to minimize any negative impact, complying with environmental regulations.

A pre-application consultation is a meeting with the local planning authority to discuss the proposed development and identify any potential issues before submitting a formal planning application.

Yes, you can include conditions about the type of landscaping, and we will incorporate your preferences while complying with planning regulations.

We address objections by engaging with the community, explaining the benefits of the development, and making adjustments to our plans if necessary to accommodate concerns.

Yes, but listed building consent may be required, and development may be subject to additional regulations to protect the heritage value of the site.

Planning gain refers to the benefits or contributions made by a developer to the local community, such as affordable housing or infrastructure improvements, as part of a planning agreement.

Yes, garden land can be sold for development, although it may be subject to planning regulations and policies on garden development.

We create traffic management plans to minimize disruption, ensuring safe and efficient movement of construction vehicles and adhering to local regulations.

Land assembly involves combining multiple parcels of land to create a larger site for development, which can increase the overall value and potential of the land.

Yes, we can include a clause specifying a fixed completion date, providing certainty for both parties.

We assess the impact on local healthcare services and work with authorities to mitigate any negative effects, which may include contributions to healthcare facilities as part of planning obligations.

Yes, but the land may require extensive remediation to address contamination and suitability for development. We will conduct necessary assessments and manage the remediation process.

We implement measures to minimize light pollution, such as using directional lighting and working within regulated hours, to comply with environmental guidelines.

A development brief is a document prepared by a local authority outlining the planning requirements and guidelines for a specific site, providing a framework for developers to follow.

Yes, we can include conditions to incorporate renewable energy sources in the development, aligning with sustainability goals and planning regulations.

We incorporate climate-resilient design and construction practices, including sustainable drainage systems, energy-efficient buildings, and materials that withstand extreme weather conditions.

Yes, but you may need to comply with agricultural tenancy laws and provide notice to tenants. The sale may also be subject to the terms of existing leases.

We assess the impact on local waste management services and work with authorities to ensure adequate provision and compliance with regulations.

A Section 278 Agreement is a legal agreement with the local highway authority to carry out works on public highways, which may be required as part of the development.

Yes, we can include a condition specifying a completion timeline, providing clarity and expectations for the development schedule.

We comply with local planning policies on social housing, which may include providing a percentage of affordable homes within the development or contributing to off-site affordable housing.

Yes, but the change of use may require planning permission, and local policies on the loss of recreational land will need to be considered.

We design and implement sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to manage water drainage, reduce flood risk, and comply with environmental regulations.

A design and access statement is a document submitted with a planning application that explains the design principles and how the development will be accessible to all users.

Yes, we can include conditions to preserve existing trees and incorporate them into the development, following arboricultural guidelines and planning regulations.

Public access rights need to be considered, and any changes or restrictions must be agreed upon with the local authority. We will manage this process and comply with regulations.

Selling village green land is complex due to legal protections. We will assess the situation and provide guidance on potential options and implications.

We conduct archaeological assessments and work with heritage agencies to manage and protect any significant finds, complying with regulations and preserving the site’s historical value.

Yes, we can include conditions to preserve and enhance wildlife habitats, following ecological guidelines and planning regulations.

Restrictive covenants are legal limitations on land use. We will review and manage any covenants, seeking legal advice if necessary, and may negotiate modifications or removals if needed.

Yes, but scheduled monuments are protected by law, and any development will require consent from the relevant heritage authorities and must comply with strict regulations to preserve the site’s historical significance.

We adhere to local noise regulations, scheduling construction activities within permitted hours and implementing noise reduction measures to minimize disruption.

A plot ratio is the relationship between the total floor area of a building and the size of the land plot. It is used in planning to control building density and ensure developments are in keeping with the local area.

Yes, we can include conditions specifying the type of roofing materials to be used, ensuring they comply with planning regulations and aesthetic preferences.

We create traffic management plans to comply with local traffic restrictions, ensuring safe and efficient movement of construction vehicles and minimizing disruption to the community.

Yes, but you will need to comply with the terms of the trust and may require approval from the trustees or the community. We will guide you through the legal and procedural requirements.

We plan construction logistics carefully, coordinating with local authorities and property owners to manage access challenges and ensure safe and efficient operations.

A Section 104 Agreement is a legal agreement with the local water authority for the adoption of new sewers constructed as part of a development, ensuring they meet required standards for public maintenance.

Yes, we can include conditions specifying the type of windows and doors, ensuring they comply with planning regulations and aesthetic preferences.

We comply with environmental regulations and guidelines, conducting necessary assessments and implementing measures to protect designated areas, such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs).

Yes, but all co-owners must agree to the sale and sign the necessary documents. We will assist with coordinating the process and ensuring all legal requirements are met.

We conduct air quality assessments and implement measures to minimize emissions and comply with environmental regulations, such as using low-emission machinery and controlling dust.

A masterplan is a comprehensive planning document that outlines the long-term vision, design, and development framework for a large area, guiding future development to ensure cohesive and sustainable growth.

Yes, we can include conditions specifying the type of external finishes, ensuring they comply with planning regulations and aesthetic preferences.Yes, we can include conditions specifying the type of external finishes, ensuring they comply with planning regulations and aesthetic preferences.Yes, we can include conditions specifying the type of external finishes, ensuring they comply with planning regulations and aesthetic preferences.Yes, we can include conditions specifying the type of external finishes, ensuring they comply with planning regulations and aesthetic preferences.Yes, we can include conditions specifying the type of external finishes, ensuring they comply with planning regulations and aesthetic preferences.Yes, we can include conditions specifying the type of external finishes, ensuring they comply with planning regulations and aesthetic preferences.Yes, we can include conditions specifying the type of external finishes, ensuring they comply with planning regulations and aesthetic preferences.

We conduct heritage assessments and work with relevant authorities to ensure that construction respects and preserves heritage assets, complying with regulations and guidelines.

Yes, but you will need to comply with the terms of the lease, and the sale may be subject to the consent of the leaseholder. We will guide you through the process and legal requirements.

We comply with conservation area regulations, ensuring that our construction methods and designs preserve the character and appearance of the area, and work closely with local planning authorities and conservation officers.

A design code is a document that sets out specific design requirements for a development, ensuring high-quality and consistent design standards that align with the local context and planning policies.

Yes, we can include conditions specifying the type of paving and pathways, ensuring they comply with planning regulations and aesthetic preferences.

We conduct ecological assessments and implement measures to protect wildlife and habitats, complying with environmental regulations and guidelines.

Yes, but you will need to comply with charity law and may require approval from the Charity Commission. We will guide you through the legal and procedural requirements.

We implement measures to protect water quality, such as using sediment controls and preventing contamination, complying with environmental regulations and guidelines.

A building line is a predetermined distance from a boundary or street within which no buildings or structures may be erected, ensuring consistent setbacks and preserving the character of the area.

Yes, we can include conditions specifying the type of internal finishes, ensuring they comply with building regulations and your preferences.

We engage with the community, addressing their concerns and incorporating their feedback into the development plans, ensuring that the project benefits the local area and aligns with community interests.

Yes, but you will need to comply with the terms of any agreements or covenants and may require approval from the institution’s governing body. We will guide you through the legal and procedural requirements.

We conduct soil contamination assessments and implement remediation measures to address any issues, ensuring the land is safe for development and complies with environmental regulations.

A development appraisal is a financial assessment of a development project, considering costs, revenues, and profitability, helping to determine the viability and value of the project.

Yes, you can specify preferred contractors, and we will work with them while ensuring they meet our quality standards and comply with planning regulations.

We conduct flood risk assessments and implement mitigation measures, such as sustainable drainage systems and flood-resistant building designs, to comply with environmental regulations and protect the development.

Yes, but you will need to comply with the terms of any agreements or covenants and may require approval from the institution’s governing body. We will guide you through the legal and procedural requirements.

We create transport management plans to address constraints, ensuring safe and efficient movement of construction vehicles and minimizing disruption to the community, working closely with local authorities.

A Section 38 Agreement is a legal agreement with the local highway authority for the adoption of new roads constructed as part of a development, ensuring they meet required standards for public maintenance.

Yes, we can include conditions specifying the use of specific materials, ensuring they comply with planning regulations and your preferences.

We conduct land stability assessments and implement engineering solutions to address any issues, ensuring the safety and viability of the development and compliance with regulations.

Yes, but you will need to comply with government property disposal procedures and may require approval from relevant authorities. We will guide you through the legal and procedural requirements.

We work closely with heritage agencies and local authorities to ensure that construction respects and preserves heritage conservation areas, complying with regulations and guidelines to protect the historical and cultural significance of the site.

A construction management plan outlines how a construction project will be managed to minimize disruption and ensure safety, covering aspects such as traffic management, noise control, and site security.

How do you handle construction in areas with archaeological interest?

We conduct archaeological assessments and work with heritage agencies to manage and protect any significant finds, complying with regulations and preserving the site’s historical value.

Yes, but you will need to comply with the terms of the trust and may require approval from the trustees or beneficiaries. We will guide you through the legal and procedural requirements.

We conduct ecological assessments and implement measures to protect and enhance wildlife corridors, complying with environmental regulations and guidelines.

A Section 106 Monitoring Fee is a fee paid to the local planning authority to cover the cost of monitoring the implementation of a Section 106 Agreement, ensuring that the obligations are met as agreed.

Yes, we can include conditions specifying the phasing of the development, ensuring that it aligns with your preferences and planning requirements, and allows for a manageable and organized construction process.

We implement measures to address public health concerns, such as controlling dust, noise, and emissions, and ensuring safe practices on-site, complying with health and safety regulations and guidelines.

Yes, but you will need to comply with any agreements or covenants related to the private road, and consider the impact on access and maintenance. We will guide you through the legal and procedural requirements.

We design and implement water management systems, such as sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), to address water management issues and comply with environmental regulations, ensuring the development is resilient to water-related challenges.

A design review panel is a group of independent experts who review and provide feedback on development proposals, helping to ensure high-quality design and adherence to planning policies and guidelines.

Yes, we can include conditions specifying the use of local labor and materials, supporting the local economy and ensuring compliance with planning regulations and sustainability goals.

Sure, we have identity a potential land for development.

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